Ensure your applications return the proper status code. 确保应用程序返回正确的状态码。
The handler supplies a valid file status code if an exception occurs. Handlder程序在异常发生时提供一个有效的文件状态码。
The response status code and MIME type from the Web server are inspected by Java Web Start to determine if the JAR file has a newer version. JavaWebStart检查Web服务器的响应状态代码和MIME类型来决定此JAR文件是否有更新的版本。
A RESTful service typically provides two meaningful components in its responses: the response body itself and a status code. RESTful服务通常在它的响应中提供两个有意义的组件:响应主体本身和一个状态码。
When this URL is invoked, it implicitly returns a200 status code when it succeeds. 在调用这个URL时,如果成功,就会隐式地返回状态码200。
If it is true, only the status code and the headers are returned. 为真的话,只返回状态代码和头部。
In those cases, you won't get a status code at all. 在这些情况中,您根本就不会得到状态代码。
Otherwise, you will get a status code 401 for your reply. 否则,就会获得状态码401的回复。
It takes minimal effort to ensure that the server not only finished with a request, but returned an "Everything is OK" status code. 它花费了最小的努力来确保服务器不但完成了一个请求,而且还返回了一个“一切良好”的状态代码。
If a user is not authenticated when trying to access this resource, the user will receive a401 status code and the application can provide a special error handler to deal with that condition. 如果用户在尝试访问这个资源时还没有经过身份验证,那么用户会收到401状态码,应用程序可以提供一个特殊的错误处理函数来处理这种情况。
StatusCode& The plug-in unique status code, useful for logging. statusCode-插件的惟一状态码,用于日志记录。
To simplify the code, assign the icons the same status code retrieved by the REST syndication. 要简化代码,请分配通过REST联合检索的相同状态代码的图标。
A201 status code ( CREATED) is a perfect response to a successful POST request. 状态码201(CREATED)是一个成功POST请求的完美响应。
For example, if a client invokes a one-way operation, the proxy should never return a parameter ( for example, a status code) to the client. 例如,如果一个客户机调用一个单向操作,代理将永远不会向客户机返回一个参数(例如,一个状态码)。
Or maybe it should be a status code only, and use the deleted date as the done date. 或者只使用状态码,并使用删除日期作为完成日期。
Whatever choices you make, though, it begins with handling the status code returned from the server. 然而不管采用哪种选择,都需要从对服务器上返回的状态代码开始入手进行处理。
Void: An empty response with a status code of204/ no content. Void:带有204/nocontent状态码的空响应。
Returns the string "ok" in the requested format with a200 OK HTTP status code. 因此在请求格式中返回“ok”,并附带200OKHTTP状态码。
What is really a case where you should handle a redirection status code explicitly in your JavaScript? 到底在什么情况下需要在JavaScript中显式地处理重定向状态代码呢?
Use our header checker to find any page's status code to ensure that your URLs are returning the appropriate status codes and re-directs are working properly. 使用我们的头检查发现任何网页的状态代码,以确保您的网址是返回适当的状态代码和再指导工作正常。
Chargebacks are probably the least understood status code so it is very important that you read this. 拒付很可能是最不理解的状态代码了,因此很有必要阅读此文。
The status code representing the outcome of the action the trace event is associated with. 代表某行动的结果的状态代码,跟踪事件与该行动相关联。
Value that specifies the HTTP status code for the requested resource. 为请求的资源指定http状态代码的。
Unknown status code for this column. 此列的状态代码未知。
The return status code already exists. 返回状态代码已存在。
Cannot add more return status code. 无法添加更多返回状态代码。
The order will display the "T" status code in your control panel code. 该订单将在您的控制面板代码上显示“T”状态。
This is the most common status code to receive. 这是最常接收的状态代码。
The status line must have a status description, in addition to a status code. 除了状态代码之外,状态行还必须有状态说明。
Property returns the status code and a message that describes the status. 属性则返回状态代码和描述该状态的消息。